Together we can prepare children for a lifetime of learning.
Parent Resources
Please contact the Main Office at (907) 345-3712 for any additional school information or forms you may need.
Important Forms
Records Request (PDF)
Student & Parent Handbook
Uniform Information & Links
Uniform Standards (PDF) Required for all grades.
Global Schoolwear (School Code: STE101)
Lands’ End (School Code: 900066390)
Safe Environment
To ensure the safety of all participating children, the Archdiocese mandates all Archdiocesan schools and Parish Faith Foundation Programs follow the Safe Environment Program oulined below:
All students must receive Circle of Grace annually.
Parents who refuse to allow their child to attend training must sign a “Parental Waiver Form” and be offered the material to take home and review
All Parents must be offered Safe Environment Training annually.
All volunteers who have regular contact with minors or vulnerable adults (including parents driving for field trips or doing any activity that places them alone with school children) must have a criminal background check completed prior to volunteering and updated every five years. They also must complete the online Safe Environment Training at least once before volunteering (and may be requested annually).
All Parish and school staff members must have a criminal background check completed prior to the start of their job and updated every five years. This includes all paid and unpaid staff. All staff who have regular contact with minors or vulnerable adults must also take the Safe Environment Training at least every three years (and may be requested annually). Employment is contingent upon completing these requirements.